About SpeaknTech

who are we

At SpeaknTech, we are passionate about all things tech. Our mission is to provide insightful and reliable information to tech enthusiasts, helping them navigate the ever-evolving world of technology

Our approach

While we may not personally test every product featured on our blog, we pride ourselves on thorough research and analysis. We believe that informed decisions lead to satisfying tech experiences.

What sets us apart

  • Extensive Research: We invest time and effort in comprehensive research to bring you well-informed content. Our articles are backed by a thorough understanding of the technology landscape
  • Unbiased Recommendations: We understand the importance of unbiased advice. Our recommendations are based on a neutral evaluation of products, ensuring your recieve honest insights
  • Tech Enthusiasts, Not testers: While we might not have a lab for hands-on testing, we are genuine tech enthusiasts. We speak the language of tech, sharing our excitement and knowledge with you


To monetize this blog, we make use of the Amazon Associates Program. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.  We may earn a commission from purchases made through the links we provide. However, all product recommendations are based on thorough research.